I'm Justin. I'm building things with Laravel (PHP), CSS and some JavaScript. I also have experience with Lua, a little bit of C# and Java and have ran multiple communities for a game called Garrysmod with custom/self made Addons.
Below you can see some projects I have worked on. I will try to keep it up to date as possible but some stuff may be missing.
A place where you can share your stuff made with DroidScript.
My own IdP for my Projects. Using Laravel and TailwindCSS.
Libgmodstore was a simple Lua library for Garrysmod designed to assist content creators with customer support. First made by Billy, then revived by me as I wouldn't mind when nobody uses that while maintaining it :)
This is a nuke you can place to kill everyone with refund system (in case the cooldown is still active)
This is a fully modular event system for a server you may or may not know. I also tried making it as optimized as possible to be used on a full 100 player darkrp server (which im sadly unable to show you)
This is a simple and server friendly note app for players (in case you dont like warns but still want to write something down for later)
This is a communication device which was used on a large German StarWarsRP server where you can communicate with other players - including video chat - so long as both have each other in their friends list. This is also optimized as far as i was able to at that time but i would rather redo it than using it now